Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Celebrities thinking that they are above the law.

My initial thought for this post is the charge against Justin Bieber for egging his neighbor’s house. Most celebrities believe that since they make an insane amount of money they think that they can get away with anything. I believe that most well-known stars should have to go to jail for nonsense they do, to teach them a lesson that they are not above the law.
With other cases also such a the situation with Chris Brown and Rihanna, where he beat her in the car on their way to an Award’s Show and only had to complete community service. Even when prosecutors had evidence in photos of Rihanna’s battered face. Any person off the street would go straight to jail with a new pair of handcuffs. 

Another example is Paris Hilton who actually served time in jail but did not get treated equally as other inmates. While in jail Hilton bought everyone in the prison shampoo, soaps, etc... just so that she too could use that stuff.

I believe that all people should be treated the same no matter what the circumstances.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Breaking Bad is a TV show that played on AMC for 5 seasons, the main character Walter White was diagnosed with lung cancer and as a chemistry teacher he had no way of paying for it himself. And when offered to have his medical bills paid for he declined because he is an extremely prideful man. So he begins cooking meth with one of his students who barely graduated high school.
This show is a great example of identity because he lives two separate lives, as Walter White a loving father and caring husband and Heisenberg a ruthless and greedy meth cook. Throughout the show you begin to see a change in Walter White’s personality. The alter ego, Heisenberg, slowly consumes the once gentle and loving father, Walter White. And his family soon begins to fear the man they once loved.
A villain in the show, Gustavo Fringe, displayed the persona of a business man with a fast food industry, but unbeknownst to his employees and friends around him he was actually a meth distributor. He was able to fool the DEA while he was right under his nose. Gustavo’s death showed symbolism. He was blown up and half of his face ended up missing. This symbolizes the two-faced nature that he lived by. 

Mulan - Reflection

Mulan is a movie that at least everyone who was born in the 90’s has seen. A tale about a girl who takes her father’s place in war and ends up saving all of China, yes a classic Disney tale.  A message the movie clearly wants to make is about finding yourself. There is a song within the movie called Reflection which shows Mulan finally comes to the realization that she can’t be herself and also make her family proud. Mulan is stuck trying to please her parents that she gets lost in their ideal image. And by her trying to be someone she’s not she ends up creating a disaster that shatters her parents’ dreams for her. Mulan tried to please her parents to the point that she lost who she was. As soon as the song begins she sings, "I may never pass as a perfect bride or a perfect daughter." Mulan believes that if she does not get married she would bring her family shame and dishonor. Apart from the music video towards the end of the movie Mulan soon realized if she really that she had the choice if she wanted to be married or not and her parents should have respected any wishes that she had towards marriage. You should never try and change yourself to benefit others.

Ethos & Pathos in Burger Ad

The as I’m using was the first one to pop up when I typed in, “advertisement” in google, go figure
For this advertisement Burger King is using the underlying thought of sex to sell their product which is the, “BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER” the name screams sexual innuendo. 
The first rhetorical device I saw was logos, Burger King is very detailed in the ad. They even include the ingredients of the burger itself so that the consumer knows exactly what they are digesting. And even though it’s in fine print and at the very bottom the typical warning that every company is held to state is written.

But to me the biggest device is the pathos conveyed. What’s the first thing that catches your eye about the ad, to me it’s the woman’s head with her mouth held wide open. And going straight to her mouth is the “BK Super Seven Incher.” To any sexually active human being or sexually rehearsed youth this picture stands out to them immediately and gets them interested. They are probably wondering, “What company is bold enough to create this?” Right underneath the photo are the words, “IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND” as if the whole ad was insinuating enough sexual references already. To me Burger King is trying to say that their sandwich is equal to having oral sex by a woman to a man, and that’s the perfect way to attract men. I’m not too sure woman would be too impressed by this, and frankly it looks a bit degrading. But I applaud Burger King with taking risks.