Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Celebrities thinking that they are above the law.

My initial thought for this post is the charge against Justin Bieber for egging his neighbor’s house. Most celebrities believe that since they make an insane amount of money they think that they can get away with anything. I believe that most well-known stars should have to go to jail for nonsense they do, to teach them a lesson that they are not above the law.
With other cases also such a the situation with Chris Brown and Rihanna, where he beat her in the car on their way to an Award’s Show and only had to complete community service. Even when prosecutors had evidence in photos of Rihanna’s battered face. Any person off the street would go straight to jail with a new pair of handcuffs. 

Another example is Paris Hilton who actually served time in jail but did not get treated equally as other inmates. While in jail Hilton bought everyone in the prison shampoo, soaps, etc... just so that she too could use that stuff.

I believe that all people should be treated the same no matter what the circumstances.

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